The one thing that I find common among all players is that no two people play alike!
There are a bunch that will play similar, but that's as close to alike as you'll get. Morrowind is the most open-ended game
that I have ever seen. Just when you think you have beaten it, something comes up that you didn't know about, or someone makes
a new MOD that you just have to try. Either way, you can play Morrowind many many times and never play it the same way. That's
just one of the beauties of this game.
Also on this site, you will find my own mod, The Dome of Serlyn
Fix. It is more of a patch then a tweak, but a much needed mod none the less. In the Walkthrough section I will
also include my own walkthrough for the East Empire Company. What makes mine most different then any other is that instead
of working with Falco, I decided to work for Carnius. Adds a different outlook to this part of the game.